Trains from Dublin to Dalkey
🚆 Experience a quick and convenient journey from Dublin to Dalkey by train. The direct train service operated by Irish Rail departs from Lansdowne Road and arrives at Dalkey station in just 24 minutes. 🛤️ Enjoy the scenic route as you travel approximately 14.7 km from Dublin to Dalkey by train. With trains departing every 10 minutes, you have flexibility in choosing the departure time that suits your schedule. Prices for this efficient mode of transportation range from €3 to €6. 🌞 Whether you opt for the route towards Bray Daly or Greystones, traveling by train from Dublin to Dalkey offers a comfortable and efficient way to explore this charming coastal town. For more information or to plan your journey, contact Irish Rail at 011 353 1 836 6222 or visit their website at https://www.