Trains from Colne (Lancashire) to Burnley
🚆 The journey from Colne to Burnley by train is quick and convenient, taking approximately 13 minutes with services operating hourly every day. You can board the direct train at Colne station and arrive at Burnley Central station, both operated by Northern Rail. 🎟️ Ticket prices for the train between Colne and Burnley typically range from £3 to £5, offering an affordable way to travel the 9.7 km distance. With various routes available, you can choose a journey that suits your schedule, whether opting for a shorter 27-min trip or a longer 51-min ride. 🗺️ For those looking to explore the scenic route, a 32-minute journey covering 7.5 km is also an option. Whether you prefer a faster or more leisurely train ride, Northern Rail offers reliable service connecting Colne in Lancashire to Burnley in the UK.