Trains from London to Suceava
🚅 Planning a trip from London to Suceava by train requires multiple transfers and takes approximately 35 hours and 39 minutes. The journey involves stops in Paris, Zurich, Budapest, and Beclean pe Someş before reaching Suceava. 🌍 Route options for the London to Suceava train journey vary in distance and number of transfers, with the longest route covering 3,077 km and having 8 transfers. From London St Pancras Intl, travelers will pass through various cities and train stations, including Brussels, Budapest, Arad, and finally reaching Suceava. 🌟 Train services are operated by Eurostar and Romanian Railways for the London to Suceava trip, offering a unique way to experience the scenic landscapes of multiple European countries along the way. Prices for the train journey between London and Suceava range from £340 to £660, providing budget-friendly travel options for adventurers.