Trains from Slough to St Albans
🚆 The journey from Slough to St Albans by train takes approximately 1 hour and 11 minutes with transfers. Departure is from Slough station via Farringdon to St Albans City station, operated by Elizabeth Line and Thameslink. 🚆 There are several route options for the journey, each with a different duration and transfer points. The distance between Slough and St Albans is around 68.9 km to 84.4 km, depending on the chosen route. Passengers will need to transfer trains at Farringdon for the journey to St Albans City. 🚆 Ticket prices for the train between Slough and St Albans can vary from £17 to £35. Travelers should plan their route based on the timing and convenience of transfers at Farringdon station for a smooth journey to St Albans City.