Trains from Merced to Visalia
🚆 Embark on a scenic train journey from Merced to Visalia covering a distance of 104 miles in about 5 hours and 56 minutes with a transfer along the way. Hop on a bus bound for Los Angeles from Merced, followed by another bus towards Tijuana Central Bus Terminal which will take you to your final destination at Visalia Transit Station. Contact Greyhound for ticket reservations. 🌄 Traverse through picturesque landscapes as you make your way from Merced to Visalia on a route that spans 104 miles and involves a transfer. Begin your trip by taking a bus towards Los Angeles Union Station from Merced, then switch to another bus heading to Tijuana Central Bus Terminal which will drop you off at Visalia Transit Station. Greyhound is the designated agency for this commute. 🗺️ Enjoy a faster route from Merced to Visalia that covers a distance of 103 miles in just 2 hours and 31 minutes with a single bus transfer. Catch a bus towards Los Angeles Union Station from Merced, and stay on until you reach Visalia Transit Station. For route details and ticket information, reach out to Greyhound for a smooth journey from start to finish.