Trains from Denver to Moab
🚆 Embark on a scenic train journey from Denver to Moab with a total travel time of approximately 10 hours and 30 minutes covering a distance of 380 miles. There is a transfer involved during the trip. 🚌 The first leg of the journey involves a bus towards Los Angeles, departing from Denver and arriving at Green River after about 7 hours and 15 minutes. The bus is operated by Greyhound, and you can contact them at 1 231-2222. 🗺️ The final step includes a bus towards Blanding UT, departing from Green River and arriving at Moab UT in around 1 hour. This leg of the journey is managed by Salt Lake Express, and you can reach them at 1 356-9796. Enjoy the diverse landscapes and the convenience of traveling by train to discover the wonders of Moab.