Trains from South Bend to Cincinnati
🚆 Embark on a scenic train journey from South Bend to Cincinnati with a total travel time of 18 hours and 20 minutes covering a distance of 403 miles. Begin with a 2-hour and 5-minute ride on the Lake Shore Limited from South Bend to Chicago Union Station with Amtrak before transferring to the Cardinal train towards New York for an 8-hour and 32-minute ride to Cincinnati Union Terminal. 🛤️ Opt for a different route for a quicker trip lasting 14 hours and 44 minutes over 409 miles with a transfer included. Take the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District's South Shore Line from South Bend to Van Buren Street in Chicago in 2 hours and 29 minutes. Then board the Amtrak Cardinal train from Chicago Union Station to arrive at Cincinnati Union Terminal in 8 hours and 32 minutes. 🚌 For a more direct and shorter travel experience, consider taking a bus route from South Bend to Cincinnati. This 9-hour and 29-minute journey covers 354 miles with a quick transfer. Travel on Barons Bus from South Bend to Columbus Greyhound in 5 hours and 30 minutes, then switch to another Barons Bus route from Columbus Greyhound to Cincinnati GH Arlington Hts in 1 hour and 35 minutes.