Trains from Sandusky to Chicago
🚆 Hop on board the train journey from Sandusky to Chicago! Departing from Sandusky Amtrak Station, the direct services operated by Amtrak run three times a day, taking approximately 5 hours and 43 minutes to reach Chicago Union Station. 🌆 Enjoy the scenic route covering a distance of 280 miles during your 5-hour and 43-minute train ride to Chicago. Whether you choose the Capitol Limited or Lake Shore Limited train, operated by Amtrak, you'll arrive in the heart of Chicago ready to explore all the city has to offer. 💸 Ticket prices for the train trip between Sandusky and Chicago can range from $11 to $130, offering a convenient and affordable way to travel to the vibrant city of Chicago. Sit back, relax, and let the train take you on a comfortable and hassle-free journey from Sandusky to the bustling metropolis of Chicago.