Trains from Hartford to New Orleans
🚆 Embark on a scenic train journey from Hartford to New Orleans spanning 1,492 miles. Begin your adventure with a 7-hour ride on the Train Northeast Regional from Hartford Union Station to Washington Union Station. From there, transfer to the Train Crescent for a relaxing 1-day, 4-hour trip to Union Passenger Terminal. 🚆 Opt for an alternate route with a total travel time of 1 day, 11 hours, covering a distance of 1,491 miles. Make your way from Hartford Union Station to New Haven Union Station aboard the Train Valley Flyer, followed by a comfortable ride on the Train Northeast Regional to Newark - Pennsylvania Station. Conclude your journey on the Train Crescent bound for New Orleans, reveling in the unique experiences each stop offers. 🚆 Choose a route with 2 transfers, taking 1 day, 11 hours to arrive in New Orleans from Hartford. Board the Train Hartford Line to New Haven Union Station, then transfer to the Train Northeast Regional headed to Moynihan Train Hall. Finally, relax on the Train Crescent towards Union Passenger Terminal.